I know this is annoying but…it depends. In really lucky cases it can take as few as 4-5, the majority take around 7-10, and some…well…can really be stubborn.
Many of the factors aren’t in our control:
- Your age and overall health
- Where the tattoo is located on your body
- What needle and color/kind of ink the tattoo artist used
- How deep the artist went with the ink
- How old the tattoo is
All of these things have a big impact on your results but are set in stone before we even start the process. Luckily, there are some things you can do to improve your results!
- Choose a specialist using a top of the line laser. Second Skin uses a QTerra Q10 Nd:YAG laser which is the industry leader for gentle but thorough tattoo removal. With this high end laser you get results and avoid scarring, which is common with lesser lasers.
- Keep it cool! We cool your tattoo before, during, and after treatment to keep it from blistering and therefore reducing the risk of scarring. You should put a bag of frozen peas on it when you get home as well. And keep it moisturized!
- Be patient. This is so important! Of course you are eager to get that tattoo all the way off. But don’t be tempted to shorten the time between sessions because this can lead to a “ghost” tattoo that is nearly impossible to fully remove. Wait a full three months in between sessions to give your body the chance to work its magic. If you are looking for perfect results, patience is a big virtue!
- Take care of yourself. After we got done blasting your tattoo, it’s your own immune system that really does the work. Keep it happy by getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and just generally taking care of yourself the way you should anyway.
At Second Skin, we have a Get-It-Off Guarantee for clients who purchase a removal bundle. During your consultation, your laser lady will let you know how many treatments she predicts you will need. If you purchase that many upfront not only do you get 20% off but if you aren’t satisfied with the results after those treatments, you can continue getting lasered until you are happy, FOR FREE.